Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some of the most commonly asked questions I face.
If you have any other queries, just drop me a line. I will be responding soon !!
Please look at following queries, you may find some of them relevant to you too.

Technical Trainings
What is your expertise as CRT trainer?
Programming Languages: I am proficient in teaching Java, Python, and C, along with a strong understanding of data structures.
About your full-stack training programs?
Full Stack Development: I have hands-on experience and expertise in teaching full-stack development using various technology stacks, including MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js), Python stack, and Java stack.
Do you provide training in machine learning?
Machine Learning: I am knowledgeable in developing machine learning models and integrating them into full-stack applications for real-world functionality.
I am also an IBAC certified data scientist.
What types of workshops do you conduct?
Our workshops cover a wide range of topics, including programming languages, full-stack development, machine learning, and more. These workshops are designed to provide hands-on experience and practical skills to participants.
For more details on traing curriculam you can mail us at [email protected] or fill the form here and we will get back to you.
Do you offer training for final year projects?
Absolutely! We provide personalized guidance and support for final year projects, helping students apply their skills to real-world scenarios and prepare for their transition into the workforce.
How can I contact for your training programs?, workshops
You can contact us for our training programs by visiting our website and filling out the enquiry form. Alternatively, you can contact us directly for more information at +91 9573811540.or mail us to [email protected]. We are happy to assist you.
Why do I need website for my firm or institute?
Any business that does not have a website is missing out on one of the most powerful marketing tools available to them.
Today it is rare to find someone who doesn’t use the Internet to find information about their needs. Today it is well known fact that more than half of users would try to get the information through Internet when they need it.
Advantages with web presence for your organisation whether it is for profit or non-profit:
- Accessibility: Your website is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Even your business is closed, your website is open.A website is also important because it helps you establish credibility as a business.
- Develop a Brand :All big companies are known by their brands, but most small businesses operate on a small budget. The global reach of the internet allows small business to build reputation and brand within a budget that would be simply impossible otherwise.
- Low-cost advertising:A website can be built for very little money it costs very less money compared to all other means of advertising. Website advertising lasts for a longer time compared to any other advertising and it reaches throughout the globe.
- Local to global:If you are based locally, having a web presence will open your business up to new markets outside your local area, giving people from across the world the chance to see your products or services.
- Visibility: The main reason that it is important for businesses to have a website is, it helps people to find you globally at ease.Your website will provide directions to your business location with online maps and contact information.
- Global 24/7 Business :Your website is selling 24/7. And your customers are no more from few fixed locations. The entire world becomes your business place. There is no bound to expand your business.
- Web is timely and is cost effective: We can keep the information up-to-date and communicate instantly with the world and notify your customers around the globe with e-mail and SMS tools in cost effective manner which is not possible in traditional media.
What are your website features?
All my pages are responsive, meaning they will view well on a mobile, tablet, laptop or large screen monitor. Your page will look professional, keeping up with technology.
SEO Friendly :
Each page has easy access for Google and all my sites are then set up with Google Analytics.
Modern, Clean, Clear :
Clean and easy to navigate websites sell more products to more clients. People want to be able to find the information they need.
Security Built :
I use all best practices and host my sites on a premium host with high protection.
What is your process?
Understand and Design : I will send a questionnaire to find out more about you and your site. I will then follow that up with a phone call, email, or skype to make sure I am clear on what you are looking to gain from your site.
Build : Then I will start working for your project . I’ll be needing all your content and images (if you’re providing them).
Final checks : Because all my sites are mobile friendly this stage is really important. You get to check that you’re happy with everything, but we also do bug checks on all major devices to make sure your site looks beautiful everywhere
How much time it takes to see my site live?
Once I am ready to work on your site it usually takes 2 to 4 weeks to build. This time frame varies depending on how complex your site is and if you have everything ready to go, it came made little quick if you provide all the necessary content in time. If you are in urgency we can prioritize as special case depending on the availability of resources.
What do I need to provide?
You will need to provide all the content for the site. You have to provide the content in soft copy which includes all the text, images and logo. If do not have any of the content with you,we can assist you with extra charge.
How much it costs?
The cost will vary depending on what sort of site you’re looking for.
You refer pricing page to look at various package rates. All these include cost of design, building, hosting, domain name, and I add a bonus of free text based updates for a period of 6 weeks from the date of publishing.
If you want more features, like complex forms, online bookings, membership etc, you can fill in my quote form to give me more information on what you’re looking for and I’ll give you a clear idea of the price range you’ll be looking at.
I am committed to providing a quality of service that is value for money!
Will I be able to update my website after it's built?
Yes! I build all my sites using WordPress for the very reason. My sites have a really user-friendly backend so that you will be able to update your own content and images or even write a blog. I am happy to assist you to do updates on your own.
What are the ongoing costs?
Hosting and Domain Name:
This is an annual cost, all websites have to cover.
Frequent Back-end Updates and Backups:
Websites need to stay updated in the back-end. As new updates in back-end s/w may provide more security that prevents the site from vulnerable to attacks. To make sure that doesn’t happen its important that the back-end stays updated. This you can do by your self or you can opt for AMC with us. Which may vary depending on the type of maintenance service you may need.
Frequent Content Updates:
We also undertake website content updates as low as 700/hr. This included page redesigns, updates and database related works as well as publishing new posts. If you are interested in both backend and front end updates you can contact us for a discounted maintenance price.

Web Design

Web Re-design
Why do I have to keep running my website on latest web technologies?
- To make it mobile-friendly : Mobile web usage is growing by leaps and bounds, so you need to make sure your website can be viewed on a wide variety of devices, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. By incorporating responsive design into your new website, you’ll be assured of reaching a larger audience than you would with a website that’s not mobile-friendly.
- To incorporate social media : If your website doesn’t feature social media in some way, you are way behind the times (and probably behind your competitors, as well). Including links to your social network profiles is the bare minimum you should include – even better is adding social sharing tools that make it easy for users to share, tweet, or pin your content. Redesigning your website can help make it easier for users to connect with you socially and spread the word about your business via their social networks.
- To add new functionality : If you want to add a blog, forums, e-commerce, or other major features or tools to your website, a redesign is probably in order. That way you can ensure that everything flows seamlessly throughout the website.
- To improve usabilityIf your site visitors can’t find what they’re looking for, they’ll leave ASAP (and they probably won’t come back for a long time). If that’s the case, you’ll definitely want a new website design that’s user-friendly and keeps your customers and prospects happy.
- To incorporate rebranding : If your business has undergone rebranding, you’ll most certainly need to redesign your website (along with your other marketing materials). And rebranding isn’t always just about a new logo and colors – it often will require an update to the content of your website, as well, so don’t forget that aspect of your website makeover.
- To keep it up-to-date : The web world is always changing, and web technology that was cool and cutting-edge a few years ago may be out-of-date today (Flash, anyone?). With a website redesign you can take advantage of the latest technology that web-savvy users expect.
- To shake things up : It happens to everyone – sometimes we just need a change. If you think your website is starting to look a little tired, chances are your site visitors think so, too. A fresh design may be just what you need to stir up a little excitement about your website.
In a world where research, shopping and purchasing are done virtually, your website is your storefront.
What are the indicators that your site is old and stale and it is time to redesign?
Few indicators that your site is old and stale and it is time to redesign:
- website cannot be viewd on mobile or tab: With nearly 50% of web traffic coming from mobile devices, your site absolutely needs to be mobile device friendly!
- A poorly designed menu navigation system.
- A site using FLASH or completely built using FLASH.
- Small pictures – left over from the days before people had high speed bandwidth and pages would load slow with large images.
- Narrow pages – your website might have developed very long back that is suitable for the olden days’ computers with very small width, which look completely disguising on present day systems.
So trying to save on a website redesign, is actually costing you money in lost customers and lost sales. Often times your website is the first impression people have of your business. And if you’re an online business, it is the only impression they get. So it is vitally important your site looks GREAT!
What are the features that are incorporated in your Website Redesign?
- Site is optimized for redesigned pages to achieve high ranking in top search engines.
- We use Web2.0 techniques such as cascading style sheets for designing a website.
- Small size file designing for ultra fast downloading.
- Small image size with no compromise on image quality for fast loading.
- Enhance or add the site’s existing functionality and increase its market value.
- Excellent quality with professional attire for your complete website.
Redesigning work is completed within appropriate time frame & budget.